Quick run through of what I remember about the Third season episode by episode. Remember, this is done through memory.
A Tale of Two Cities
Juliet is hot. The Othersville and plane crash. Jack in an aquarium, Sawyer in a Cage and Kate taking a shower. Jack goes crazy again. Hydra Station.
Glass Ballerina
Sun is a liar. Sayid and Jin shootout with the Others. Sun shot Colleen. Benjamin Linus. Red Sox won the world series.
Further Instructions
Locke sees Boone in his airport dream vision. Locke saves Eko from Polar bear. Desmond is naked. Hunter or Farmer. Nikki and Paolo.
Every Man For Himself
Needle to the heart. Heart will burst. Ben beat Sawyer. Mice and Men. Separate islands. Don't you read.
Cost of Living
Confess Eko! Paolo in the Pearl Station toilet. "you speak to me as if I'm your brother". Monster pwns Eko. Eko dies. "We're next"
I Do
Kate married the guy from Firefly. Kate and Sawyer sex cage. Jack saw them on the monitor. Jack takes the upperhand. "Kate damn it RUN!!!!!!"
Not In Portland
Juliet and her sister. Her asshole ex husband boss gets hit by a bus. Mittelos and Richard Alpert. Karl in room 23. "Don't come back for me"
Flashes Through My Eyes
Desmond gets drunk. "You don't know the bloody hell happened to me" Desmond time trip. "The Universe has its way in course correcting itself"
Stranger in a Strange Land
Jack gets Tatoo in phuket. Bai Ling have sex with Jack. Jack gets beaten up.
Tricia Tanaka Is Dead
Hurley finds Dharma van. Hurley, Charlie, Sawyer & Jin jumpstart the van. Shambala! Dharma beer.
Enter 77
Sayid badass. Mikhail Bakunin aka Patchy. Locke plays chess. The story of Hostile vs Dharma aka the purge. Ms Klugh gets shot by Mikhail. Locke blows up Flame Station
Par Avion
Claire was a goth. Claire is Jack's half sister. Birds to send letters for help. Sonic fence and Mikhail supposedly dies. Tom throws like a girl.
Man from Tallahassee
Locke got pushed by his dad and fell off 8 storeys. Locke confronts Ben. "you're in a wheel chair and I'm not" Locke blows up submarine. Locke's dad on the island!!!!!!!
Nikki and Paolo were crooks. Nikki is a bitch. Paolo is a dumbass. They both get buried alive. Medussa spiders. Diamonds. Dr Arzt.
Left Behind
Others leave with Locke. Kate and Juliet mud fight. Monster flashing Juliet (ok, that doesn't sound right). Sonic fence stops monster. "She's coming with us"
One of Us
People distrust Juliet. Claire is sick. Juliet saves her. Pregnant people on the island dies. Juliet earns every one's trust. Juliet is still working for Ben. "see you in a week"
Catch 22
Desmond, Charlie, Jin and Hurley trekking ito the jungle. Desmond see Charlie die. Desmond was a priest.
It's Jin's baby. Sun will die if she doesn't get off the island. "I hate you Ben"
The Brig
Anthony Cooper = The real Sawyer and Locke's dad. Sawyer kills Cooper. Locke humiliated by Ben in front of every Others. "Ben has been wasting our time with fertility problems. We need someone to remind us that we're here for bigger things" "I'm on my own journey now"
Man Behind the Curtain
Ben has serious daddy issue; his dad hates Ben because his mother died giving birth to baby Ben. Ben hates Dharma and wants to join the Hostile. Dharma people got killed by deadly gas. Locke wants to see Jacob. Ben shows Locke Jacob. Jacob needs help from Locke. Jacob got furious and shakes his Cabin. Locke gets shot by Ben. OMG!!
Greatest Hits
Charlie list down his greatest moments in his life. Charlie volunteers to swim down to the Looking Glass station to disable the jamming signal. Charlie expected to die but didn't...for now. Jack gets pumped up to blow up the Others. "We're gonna blow them all to hell!!!"
Through the Looking Glass Pt1
Jack and co goes to the radio tower. Sayid, Jin and Bernard blows up several Others and gets captured. Desmond and Charlie struggled with the Others in the underwater station. Locke wakes up to see Tall Walt. "You have work to do"
Through The looking Glass Pt2
Sayid, Jin Bernard rescued by Sawyer, Juliet and Hurley. Hurley uses the Dharma van to pwn an Other. Sayid breaks an Other's neck with his legs. Sawyer shoots Tom execution style. Mikhail blows up a glass in the looking glass. Charlie drowns. 'Not Penny's Boat'. Jack beat up Ben. Locke kills Naomi. Locke points a gun to Jack. Jack makes the call. Rescue is coming. OMG!! FLASHFORWARD!!! "We have to go back!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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