Tuesday, April 15, 2008

LOST Season 1 Quick Rewind

An old friend sent me this message just now through MSN. He said something like:

"Yo wassup. I just watched Lost, have u seen it?"

I was blown away. 'What do you mean have I seen it?! I've been a big fan of it for the last 4 years!!'

So yeah, turned out he just saw the pilot episode from ABC.com. Currently, he's watching episode 3 of Season 1, Tabula Rasa aka the first Kate episode. Kinda funny how he sent me messages while watching the episodes. Comments he made like "the korean guy is such an asshole!" and "the blonde sister is so hot!" makes me feel nostalgic. Ah..the good days of Season 1.

You realize that so much have changed. Before Jin speaks English to Jack, he was indeed such an asshole to his wife. Before Kate is this annoying girl flirting with Jack & Sawyer, she was a mysterious badass chick. Before Sayid becomes a badass, he was already a badass!! I mean, who would've guessed by watching Jack waking up in the jungle that the show is all about a battle between a douchebag leader of a corporation and a creepy leader of an island community.

So here's a quick run through of what I remember about the first season episode by episode. Remember, this is done through memory.

Pilot pt1
First episode. Chaos on the beach. Explosions. First heard the monster sound, scared the shit out me. Jack, Kate & Charlie hiking to the front section. Pilot was played by Greg Grunberg (now we know his name is Seth Norris). Pilot dies.

Pilot pt2
Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, Charlie, Shannon & Boone go to higher ground. That cool music when they climbed the hills. Sawyer shot a polar bear ! 16 years French transmission. "Guys where are we?"

Tabula Rasa
Kate's flashback in Australia. She's a fugitive. Sawyer shoots the Marshal and missed!! He dies eventually.

Boars. "We hunt!" Knives! Locke badass! Randy the jackass boss. Locke face the monster. "Don't tell what I can't do!!" He's in a wheel chair!! I love this show!

White Rabbit
Jack sees dead father. Goes crazy. "What if everything that happened..Happened for a reason" empty coffin! The monster stole his body probably! "Live together, die alone"

House of the Rising Sun
Jin was good until he works for Sun's dad. Michael hate Jin. Sun speaks English!

Charlie's addicted to drugs. Withdrawal. "I'm a bloody rock god!" Charlie's brother Liam. Cave in with Jack. Charlie throws heroin to the fire.

Confidence Man
"Dear Mr. Sawyer, you kill my parents" Sawyer gets tortured. Sawyer gets to kiss Kate. Sayid a badass. Sawyer is actually a tortured soul. Sayid walks away from the camp.

Sayid's love interest back in Iraq, Nadia. Sayid meets Rousseau. "The others. They whisper" Hurley's inaugural Island cup. "They're sick!" "Watch them, watch them closely"

Raised by Another
Claire and the fake psychic (or is he?). Claire's nightmare. Hurley's Census. "Craphole Island", "rape caves". Ethan is freaky.

All the Best Cowboy have Daddy Issues
Jack has daddy issues. Christian Shephard is drunk. Jack fights Ethan. "Redshirts" "sounds like a piss poor captain" Locke and Boone find the Hatch. Charlie almost die.

Whatever the Case may be
Sawyer tries to open a briefcase. Briefcase have guns. Kate wants toy plane. Shannon singing La mer

Hearts & Minds
Boone and Shannon episode, who cares they die later anyway LOL. They slept with each other!!! Shannon vision death. "I felt relieved"

Walt. Walt! Walt!! WALT!!! Michael's backstory. Feel sorry for the guy. Polar bears and the comic book. Walt is special. WALT!!!!

Claire's back and Ethan too. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid & Locke team up to take down Ethan. But Jack gets all the glory. Charlie shoots Ethan!! Charlie and the photocopy machine LOL

Boar hunting. Robert Patrick. Sawyer shoots the wrong guy. Sawyer doesn't shoot the boar.

...in Translation
Raft gets burned, Michael blame Jin. Everybody hates Jin but he's actually a good guy. Sun speaks English in public. Jin is upset. "we're not the only people on this island and we all know it" "boat?!".

4 8 15 16 23 42. lottery. Hurley's a millionaire. Hurley meets Rousseau. "I want some freaking answers!!!" They get batteries.

Deus Ex Machina
Locke's fucked up father, Anthony Cooper. Kidney stolen. Boone falls with the Nigerian plane. "I did everything I asked you to do then why did you do this! WHY!" lights come out of the Hatch. WTF!

Do No Harm
Boone dies. Claire gives birth. Jack has issues. "find John Locke"

Greater Good
Sayid interrogates Locke. Sayid plays Half Life. Arab terrorists. Shannon tries to shoot Locke. "take me to the hatch"

Born to Run
Kate creates a fake ID. Jin poisoned (or was it Michael? I forgot). Sawyer expose Kate's past.

Exodus pt1
The others are coming. Find the dynamites. Black Rock. Raft sails off. The beautiful music at the end. Sun & Jin breaks my heart.

Exodus pt2
Arzt blows up. Dynamites. Playing operation. "buzz~!" "you like to play games John?" "She stole ma BABY!!" Charlie punches Sayid, dumbass!!

Exodus pt3
The monster is a black smoke!!!! Man of Faith vs Man of Science. "Boone was a sacrifice that the island demanded" "Give me the boy" WAAAAAAAAALT!!!!!!!!! Raft explodes. Hatch explodes. What is inside the Hatch?

Season 2 coming up

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