Putting this blog on hibernating mode Hehe..
I'll just stick to my main blog here:
See ya there! :-)
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Blog closed...for now
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7:32 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
LOST: Season 3 Quick Rewind
Quick run through of what I remember about the Third season episode by episode. Remember, this is done through memory.
A Tale of Two Cities
Juliet is hot. The Othersville and plane crash. Jack in an aquarium, Sawyer in a Cage and Kate taking a shower. Jack goes crazy again. Hydra Station.
Glass Ballerina
Sun is a liar. Sayid and Jin shootout with the Others. Sun shot Colleen. Benjamin Linus. Red Sox won the world series.
Further Instructions
Locke sees Boone in his airport dream vision. Locke saves Eko from Polar bear. Desmond is naked. Hunter or Farmer. Nikki and Paolo.
Every Man For Himself
Needle to the heart. Heart will burst. Ben beat Sawyer. Mice and Men. Separate islands. Don't you read.
Cost of Living
Confess Eko! Paolo in the Pearl Station toilet. "you speak to me as if I'm your brother". Monster pwns Eko. Eko dies. "We're next"
I Do
Kate married the guy from Firefly. Kate and Sawyer sex cage. Jack saw them on the monitor. Jack takes the upperhand. "Kate damn it RUN!!!!!!"
Not In Portland
Juliet and her sister. Her asshole ex husband boss gets hit by a bus. Mittelos and Richard Alpert. Karl in room 23. "Don't come back for me"
Flashes Through My Eyes
Desmond gets drunk. "You don't know the bloody hell happened to me" Desmond time trip. "The Universe has its way in course correcting itself"
Stranger in a Strange Land
Jack gets Tatoo in phuket. Bai Ling have sex with Jack. Jack gets beaten up.
Tricia Tanaka Is Dead
Hurley finds Dharma van. Hurley, Charlie, Sawyer & Jin jumpstart the van. Shambala! Dharma beer.
Enter 77
Sayid badass. Mikhail Bakunin aka Patchy. Locke plays chess. The story of Hostile vs Dharma aka the purge. Ms Klugh gets shot by Mikhail. Locke blows up Flame Station
Par Avion
Claire was a goth. Claire is Jack's half sister. Birds to send letters for help. Sonic fence and Mikhail supposedly dies. Tom throws like a girl.
Man from Tallahassee
Locke got pushed by his dad and fell off 8 storeys. Locke confronts Ben. "you're in a wheel chair and I'm not" Locke blows up submarine. Locke's dad on the island!!!!!!!
Nikki and Paolo were crooks. Nikki is a bitch. Paolo is a dumbass. They both get buried alive. Medussa spiders. Diamonds. Dr Arzt.
Left Behind
Others leave with Locke. Kate and Juliet mud fight. Monster flashing Juliet (ok, that doesn't sound right). Sonic fence stops monster. "She's coming with us"
One of Us
People distrust Juliet. Claire is sick. Juliet saves her. Pregnant people on the island dies. Juliet earns every one's trust. Juliet is still working for Ben. "see you in a week"
Catch 22
Desmond, Charlie, Jin and Hurley trekking ito the jungle. Desmond see Charlie die. Desmond was a priest.
It's Jin's baby. Sun will die if she doesn't get off the island. "I hate you Ben"
The Brig
Anthony Cooper = The real Sawyer and Locke's dad. Sawyer kills Cooper. Locke humiliated by Ben in front of every Others. "Ben has been wasting our time with fertility problems. We need someone to remind us that we're here for bigger things" "I'm on my own journey now"
Man Behind the Curtain
Ben has serious daddy issue; his dad hates Ben because his mother died giving birth to baby Ben. Ben hates Dharma and wants to join the Hostile. Dharma people got killed by deadly gas. Locke wants to see Jacob. Ben shows Locke Jacob. Jacob needs help from Locke. Jacob got furious and shakes his Cabin. Locke gets shot by Ben. OMG!!
Greatest Hits
Charlie list down his greatest moments in his life. Charlie volunteers to swim down to the Looking Glass station to disable the jamming signal. Charlie expected to die but didn't...for now. Jack gets pumped up to blow up the Others. "We're gonna blow them all to hell!!!"
Through the Looking Glass Pt1
Jack and co goes to the radio tower. Sayid, Jin and Bernard blows up several Others and gets captured. Desmond and Charlie struggled with the Others in the underwater station. Locke wakes up to see Tall Walt. "You have work to do"
Through The looking Glass Pt2
Sayid, Jin Bernard rescued by Sawyer, Juliet and Hurley. Hurley uses the Dharma van to pwn an Other. Sayid breaks an Other's neck with his legs. Sawyer shoots Tom execution style. Mikhail blows up a glass in the looking glass. Charlie drowns. 'Not Penny's Boat'. Jack beat up Ben. Locke kills Naomi. Locke points a gun to Jack. Jack makes the call. Rescue is coming. OMG!! FLASHFORWARD!!! "We have to go back!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
LOST Season 2 Quick Rewind
Man of Science, Man of Faith
"Make your own Kind of Music!" Desmond inside the hatch. "You?!"
WALT!!! Locke meets Desmond. Push the button. WALT!! UDERS!!!
Locke meets Helen. "Dr.Marvin candle, Namaste" Dharma Initiative. Incident. Degroots. "See ya in another life brother"
Everybody Hates Hugo
Dj Quall. Hurley and food. Ana Lucia and the tail section.
...And Found
Sun & Jin. The others walking bare feet. Mr.Eko WALT!!
Shannon is actually a nice girl. Bang! She's dead. Ana Lucia Shot her.
Other 48 Days
Ana lucia, Mr.Eko, Libby & Bernard survive multiple other attacks. Zack and Emma kidnapped. Goodwin is an other.
Mr.Eko meets Locke. Sawyer in the shower with Jack. Sayid tied up. Sun and Jin reunite.
What Kate Did
Kate kissed Jack and left What?! Kate killed her daddy. Do not attempt to communicate with the computer. Dad?!
Psalm 23
Mr.Eko and Yemi. Priest in Nigeria. Drugs. Yemi gets shot. Eko face the monster.
Hunting Party
Michael running away. WALT!!! Jack goes crazy. "This is our island" "You and me aint over Zeke"
Fire + Water
Stupid episode. Charlie goes crazy. Locke beats up Charlie.
Long Con
Sawyer cons everyone to get guns. New sheriff in town.
One of Them
Sayid beat up Ben...erm...I mean 'Henry Gale'. Locke and Jack bicker at each other.
Maternity Leave
Claire high on drugs with Ethan. Alex & Rousseau saves Claire. Staff station.
Whole Truth
Sun is pregnant. Yo Daddy-O! Ana lucia, Sayid & Charlie find Henry's Balloon.
Locke stuck inside the hatch. Blast door map. Henry Gale is a fraud.
Hurley in mental institution. Hallucinate Dave.
Rose & Bernard story. Frogurt. Craig, Jerome and Richard.
Two for the Road
Ana Lucia bodyguard of Jack's dad. Michael shoots Ana Lucia & Libby. WTF
Mr.Eko & Locke finds the Pearl. Locke lose faith and Eko regains faith. "I'll push the button"
Three Minutes
WALT!!!!!!! Michael taken to the fake village. "They take me to this room and made me do some test" "who's James Ford?"
Live Together, Die Alone pt1
Desmond's back and he's drunk. Jack, Sawyer, Kate, Hurley and Michael set off to take down the Others. Sayid, Jin & Sun on Desmond's boat. Four toed Statue
Live Together, Die Alone pt2
Locke & Desmond vs Eko & Charlie. To push the button or not to push the button. Kelvin Inman. Fail Safe key. Desmond & Penny love story. I crashed your plane brutha!!! It's all real Brutha!!! See ya in another life Brutha!!!! I was wrong....Warning! Warning! KABOOM!! Sky turned purple. Jack, Kate & Sawyer captured. "Who are you people?" "We're the good guys Michael" Arctic station find the electromagnetic anomaly. "We found it"
Season 3 coming up
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
LOST Season 1 Quick Rewind
An old friend sent me this message just now through MSN. He said something like:
"Yo wassup. I just watched Lost, have u seen it?"
I was blown away. 'What do you mean have I seen it?! I've been a big fan of it for the last 4 years!!'
So yeah, turned out he just saw the pilot episode from ABC.com. Currently, he's watching episode 3 of Season 1, Tabula Rasa aka the first Kate episode. Kinda funny how he sent me messages while watching the episodes. Comments he made like "the korean guy is such an asshole!" and "the blonde sister is so hot!" makes me feel nostalgic. Ah..the good days of Season 1.
You realize that so much have changed. Before Jin speaks English to Jack, he was indeed such an asshole to his wife. Before Kate is this annoying girl flirting with Jack & Sawyer, she was a mysterious badass chick. Before Sayid becomes a badass, he was already a badass!! I mean, who would've guessed by watching Jack waking up in the jungle that the show is all about a battle between a douchebag leader of a corporation and a creepy leader of an island community.
So here's a quick run through of what I remember about the first season episode by episode. Remember, this is done through memory.
Pilot pt1
First episode. Chaos on the beach. Explosions. First heard the monster sound, scared the shit out me. Jack, Kate & Charlie hiking to the front section. Pilot was played by Greg Grunberg (now we know his name is Seth Norris). Pilot dies.
Pilot pt2
Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, Charlie, Shannon & Boone go to higher ground. That cool music when they climbed the hills. Sawyer shot a polar bear ! 16 years French transmission. "Guys where are we?"
Tabula Rasa
Kate's flashback in Australia. She's a fugitive. Sawyer shoots the Marshal and missed!! He dies eventually.
Boars. "We hunt!" Knives! Locke badass! Randy the jackass boss. Locke face the monster. "Don't tell what I can't do!!" He's in a wheel chair!! I love this show!
White Rabbit
Jack sees dead father. Goes crazy. "What if everything that happened..Happened for a reason" empty coffin! The monster stole his body probably! "Live together, die alone"
House of the Rising Sun
Jin was good until he works for Sun's dad. Michael hate Jin. Sun speaks English!
Charlie's addicted to drugs. Withdrawal. "I'm a bloody rock god!" Charlie's brother Liam. Cave in with Jack. Charlie throws heroin to the fire.
Confidence Man
"Dear Mr. Sawyer, you kill my parents" Sawyer gets tortured. Sawyer gets to kiss Kate. Sayid a badass. Sawyer is actually a tortured soul. Sayid walks away from the camp.
Sayid's love interest back in Iraq, Nadia. Sayid meets Rousseau. "The others. They whisper" Hurley's inaugural Island cup. "They're sick!" "Watch them, watch them closely"
Raised by Another
Claire and the fake psychic (or is he?). Claire's nightmare. Hurley's Census. "Craphole Island", "rape caves". Ethan is freaky.
All the Best Cowboy have Daddy Issues
Jack has daddy issues. Christian Shephard is drunk. Jack fights Ethan. "Redshirts" "sounds like a piss poor captain" Locke and Boone find the Hatch. Charlie almost die.
Whatever the Case may be
Sawyer tries to open a briefcase. Briefcase have guns. Kate wants toy plane. Shannon singing La mer
Hearts & Minds
Boone and Shannon episode, who cares they die later anyway LOL. They slept with each other!!! Shannon vision death. "I felt relieved"
Walt. Walt! Walt!! WALT!!! Michael's backstory. Feel sorry for the guy. Polar bears and the comic book. Walt is special. WALT!!!!
Claire's back and Ethan too. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid & Locke team up to take down Ethan. But Jack gets all the glory. Charlie shoots Ethan!! Charlie and the photocopy machine LOL
Boar hunting. Robert Patrick. Sawyer shoots the wrong guy. Sawyer doesn't shoot the boar.
Raft gets burned, Michael blame Jin. Everybody hates Jin but he's actually a good guy. Sun speaks English in public. Jin is upset. "we're not the only people on this island and we all know it" "boat?!".
4 8 15 16 23 42. lottery. Hurley's a millionaire. Hurley meets Rousseau. "I want some freaking answers!!!" They get batteries.
Deus Ex Machina
Locke's fucked up father, Anthony Cooper. Kidney stolen. Boone falls with the Nigerian plane. "I did everything I asked you to do then why did you do this! WHY!" lights come out of the Hatch. WTF!
Do No Harm
Boone dies. Claire gives birth. Jack has issues. "find John Locke"
Greater Good
Sayid interrogates Locke. Sayid plays Half Life. Arab terrorists. Shannon tries to shoot Locke. "take me to the hatch"
Born to Run
Kate creates a fake ID. Jin poisoned (or was it Michael? I forgot). Sawyer expose Kate's past.
Exodus pt1
The others are coming. Find the dynamites. Black Rock. Raft sails off. The beautiful music at the end. Sun & Jin breaks my heart.
Exodus pt2
Arzt blows up. Dynamites. Playing operation. "buzz~!" "you like to play games John?" "She stole ma BABY!!" Charlie punches Sayid, dumbass!!
Exodus pt3
The monster is a black smoke!!!! Man of Faith vs Man of Science. "Boone was a sacrifice that the island demanded" "Give me the boy" WAAAAAAAAALT!!!!!!!!! Raft explodes. Hatch explodes. What is inside the Hatch?
Season 2 coming up
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I've been neglecting this blog Hehe
Yeah yeah, I've been neglecting this blog for my other blog. Fear not, I'm planning to post more soon. Several stuff I like to write about.
My LOST Season Pattern Theory
This is the place where I published my 'one hit wonder' theory. Reading it again, I laughed at how outdated it is. The premiere of the fourth season of Lost shot an arrow to the theory. It opened with Hurley rather than a new character as I predicted.
Mark commented on my theory and pointed this problem even before Season Four premiered.
mark said...
I think your on to something NMAN. But I think Seasons 4, 5, and 6 starting with new characters when there is so many already is probably not true. I think if you look at what the season starts out as really we see close ups and then it is revealed to us where we really are. Season 1, was on jacks eye, then we reveal were on the island, then its during the plane crashing. Season 2, was desmond and him then working out, fixing breakfast, then we realize hes in the hatch. Season three was juliet listening to music in a house, then she goes outside, then sees the plane blow up, and then we realize we were in some other-ville. I think season four and five and six will start the same. We'll see something or some stuff happening then we'll realize where, not who, but where we are. It will most likely be off the island, or on the freighter, since on island, and somewhere else on the island, have already been used.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007 10:59:00 AM
There's also the fact about the recent spoiler on NY Post. Damon outlined the theme of the upcoming season as follows:
Season 4 - who gets off the island and the fact that they need to get back
Season 5 - why they need to get back
Season 6 - what happens when they get back
Now it seems that my theory is wrong (S4 - rescue, S5 - return). But I think that from now on, each season will have two themes, one for present time and the other for the flash forward. I'm working on updating this theory along that idea.
Not Penny's Boat
Check out my post on the Freighter gang here. BTW, it's ok to highlight the spoilers because the episode "Confirmed Dead" already aired.
Stay tuned for more updates
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2:31 AM